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American Society for Deaf Children is a partnership underneath the Delta Zeta National Philanthropy of Speech and Hearing. Delta Zeta supports the society through fundraising efforts and our members who volunteer at various events. In 2022, we have so far held a successful Valentine's bake sale and have an upcoming event of thrifting where sustainability and fundraising is the goal.


The American Society for Deaf Children's mission is to allocate resources and opportunities to children who are deaf, and their families. The donations gives the organization the ability to fund ASL lessons, fingerspelling lessons, and more. 


Starkey Hearing Foundation

The Starkey Hearing Foundation is a leading organization devoted to improving hearing health worldwide. Since its founding in 1984, it has provided hearing aids and essential services to underserved communities, helping countless individuals connect and thrive. Delta Zeta is proud to partner with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, working together to advance this crucial mission. Our collaboration has been instrumental in supporting their efforts, including a significant milestone where Delta Zeta fulfilled a five-year pledge of $5 million to Starkey in 2020. This partnership enhances our collective impact, ensuring that more people can experience the life-changing benefits of better hearing.


Along with our efforts to support our national philanthropies, we work locally in our community through our local philanthropies and community service.

The Holley Institute is an organization that assists the Deaf, Deaf/Blind and hard of hearing by providing services and programs aimed at improving their quality of life. There is a camp in Brooklyn, Michigan that hosts various camps throughout the year with families to help the adjust and offer different classes such as ASL (American Sign Language)

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